• Contract
  • Indonesia
  • Rp5,000,000- Rp6,000,000 MYR / Month

PT. Zhong Sheng Machinery Indonesia

Powering Progress, Building the Future

中盛印尼机械有限公司成立于2016年,印度尼西亚首都雅加达,是一家集柴油发电机组、叉车、液压破碎锤、挖掘机属具等产品的销售、租赁、售后服务的机械公司。公司经营模式采用代理&工厂双层经营,双层服务的双轨制模式,即代理商,工厂共同开发市场,共同服务终端客户。充分整合制造商的技术、服务力量,使资源配置最大化,更好的为终端客户提供更优质高效的设备解决方案。目前我们不仅与中国建筑集团、中国电建集团、中国中铁等大型中资企业建立了紧密的合作关系,同时我们也为很多印尼本土大型企业,如:哈利达集团、印尼港务局、PP WIKA、ACSET提供设备解决方案。公司经营的各类产品,以爪哇岛为中心,辐射至苏门答腊岛、苏拉维西、加里曼丹、巴布亚岛覆盖印尼全境,服务于印尼境内各大项目,如:雅万高铁、WHW氧化铝冶炼厂、青山 镍铁冶炼厂、MSP镍铁冶炼厂、金川镍铁冶炼厂、南苏1号电厂、爪哇7号电厂、美佳达房地产等项目。产品凭借过硬的质量、完善的售后服务深受行业客户的青睐。公司将秉承“一切为了客户”的宗旨,以“一带一路”建设为历史契机,深耕印尼市场,致力于打造一张“中国制造”的新名片。

PT. Zhong Sheng Machinery Indonesia founded in 2016 in Jakarta, specializes in the sales, rental, and servicing of machinery like diesel generators, forklifts, and hydraulic breakers. Operating through a dual-track system combining agency and factory resources, the company partners with major Chinese enterprises (e.g., China State Construction, PowerChina) and leading Indonesian firms (e.g., Halida Group, IPC). Its products are widely used across Indonesia, supporting major projects like the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Rail and WHW Alumina Refinery. With high-quality products and excellent after-sales service, Zhongsheng aims to strengthen its position in Indonesia and promote “Made in China” under the Belt and Road Initiative.


Job Descriptions 职位介绍

Offering heavy equipment sales

Providing price quotations to customers

Negotiating with customers to secure orders and delivery

Following up with customers

Promoting products via social media

Able to work under pressure

Qualification and Requirements 学历要求

Majors in mechanics, marketing, or other related fields

Proficient in basic office software such as Word/Excel/PPT

Outgoing and cheerful personality, good at communication, able to accurately understand customer needs

Fresh graduates are welcome

5.D3 – S1毕业生
Graduates with D3 – S1 degrees

No gender restrictions (Male/Female)


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